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  1. B

    The Girl Next Door

    Anyone figure out the "I incinerate" song that plays in the trailer for this movie?
  2. B

    The Girl Next Door

    Nope thats not Prodigy's "Smack my B*tch up", I've had that Album, Fat of the Land for awhile now, but it sure does sound ALOT like Prodigy. I've been to a few song lyric sites, and no songs from Prodigy have the "I incinerate" lyrics in them, so if noone knows the song, does anyone know any...
  3. B

    The Girl Next Door

    Sorry, its just that i'm getting desperate searching for this song and no one seems to have responded so i reposted. If you want to find the trailer to the movie just go to
  4. B

    The Girl Next Door

    Can someone please tell me what the name of the song that plays in the middle of the "Girl Next Door" trailer", the part where the girl is stripping into the pool? The only lyrics i heard in it was "I Incinerate". It only plays for about 15 seconds near the middle of the trailer. Thanks
  5. B

    The Girl Next Door

    Can someone please tell me what the name of the song that plays in the middle of the "Girl Next Door" trailer", the part where the girl is stripping into the pool? The only lyrics i heard in it was "I Incinerate". It only plays for about 15 seconds near the middle of the trailer. Thanks