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  1. M

    Nissan: "Where Do We go? Where do we go now..."

    It is a Nissan (I'm almost certain) commercial, where the couple are in their car which is blatently on a soundstage, and images are being projected around the car, making it look like its driving. They then get out of the car, walk into the projection, pick up the kid's tricycle, and lock the...
  2. M

    Ren and Stimpy

    Haha, I knew one day I would stoop to this. I make radio sweepers for WSFR in Boston (Suffolk University Radio), and I have been looking for the name of this song. It has been used alot on many TV shows and commercials, most notibly (to me) Ren & Stimpy. It is "sort of" 50's music, and you can...