Recent content by WTKE411

  1. W

    Lights Out

    Does anyone know the sound design and music in this trailer?
  2. W

    Piranha 3D

    Do you know where I could listen to this track? Methodic Doubt - Transistor Utility?
  3. W


    Anyone know this? I would also like to know.
  4. W


    Anyone know the music and cues used here? Particularly the one that begins at 1:38?
  5. W

    The Stepfather

    Does anyone know the music used in this TV spot from :20 to :28
  6. W


    Stock music used in horror trailers? Hi I was wondering if anyone knew what the title to the music used in some of these horror previews is. I have 2 examples that I could find. One is in the TV Spot: (from 0:00-0:10) And another is here: (0:25-0:38) If anyone knows could you give the name?
  7. W


    Does anyone know the music used in this TV spot for the movie "Splice"? (Goes throughout the trailer. If it helps, My Bloody Valentine 3-D used the music too)
  8. W

    My Bloody Valentine 3D

    My Bloody Valentine 3D Trailer What is the name of the music/sounds used at the beginning of the my bloody valentine 3D trailer that sounds a little similar to a helicopter. I really want to know, THANKS!