Recent content by wjoeyu

  1. W

    Gardens of the Night

    Thank you.
  2. W

    Gardens of the Night What is the song around the 1:35 mark?
  3. W


    Anybody know the artist and title of the saw theme? Also, does anybody know the remix of the theme?
  4. W

    Female Artist Song containing Dare...

    Do any of you know what the name of a R&B song with a female artist and Dare lyrics/melody (Gorillaz) in the background?
  5. W

    American Idol Season 6

    Also, what is the song that they played when they showed the top 12 men.
  6. W

    Nelly Furtado-ish woman singing

    Good call. Thanks a lot, u da man.
  7. W

    Nelly Furtado-ish woman singing

    The only distinguishable line I heard from the song was something like "Marvin Gaye sang 'brother, brother'", and the whole song had a Nelly Furtado "I'm like a bird" feel to it (a joyful/whimsical tone), and the singer sounded like Nelly Furtado or Corinne Bailey Rae. If any you got any ideas...