Recent content by VanityRuins

  1. V

    Black Jack - the anime, Chart 5

    Been awhile since I've been here. Alright, there's this pretty old anime called Black Jack, probably made in the late 80's, early 90's by the same guy that did Astro Boy. In episode 5 (or "Chart 5") which is called "The Owl of San Merida", there is a beautiful song sung by a woman. At the...
  2. V

    Hi. My name is Vanity Ruins.

    Huh? Okay, what'd I do now? x__x
  3. V

    Bacardi Mojito "Muddle"

    This isn't it. I just listened to it.
  4. V

    I'm Matt

    *GASP!!* Hee hee... boobies... Wait, I have those - what am I giggling about??
  5. V

    Target in-store

    True enough, true enough... though if you like Celtic music, I highly recommend Loreena McKennitt. She's my personal favorite. ;) Hee hee... *Pictures the Govenator sipping tea and knitting* :P
  6. V

    Target in-store

    Lovely... but I just have to comment on the fact that it made me giggle to see a tough-looking Terminator avatar asking about Titanic-like Celtic flute music. Tee hee!! ;)
  7. V

    I'm Matt

    Hi. I'm new too. Maybe we can be new together. If you say that out loud, it almost sounds like 'nude together', but that's totally not what I'm sayin' here.
  8. V

    Hi. My name is Vanity Ruins.

    By the way... if there was a song I wanted to know about, but I heard it in a commercial during the previews for a movie trailer (can you believe they put frickin' commercials in with the trailers?!)... which topic would I ask about that in?
  9. V

    Hi. My name is Vanity Ruins.

    I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Vanity Ruins, a wannabe model from California... I've used this site bunches and bunches of times to find the songs from commercials and such (and thanks to all you smarties out there, I've found most of them ;) so I felt rather obliged to join. So...