Recent content by tugboat

  1. tugboat

    Adult Swim Harvey Birdman

    Re: Adult Swim / Harvey Birdman Bubba dub bossa by Robby Poitevin
  2. tugboat

    Cars 2

    Can anyone tell me the name of this song that was in the 3rd and 4th trailers of Cars 2? It has this cool spy setting beat to it, it's in the background behind the dialogue, and it has female vocals that go 'bum bada bada bum bada bada'. I think it also has a man that just says the word 'go' but...
  3. tugboat

    Cars 2

    I'm looking for a piece of music from the third and fourth trailers of cars 2. It's this cool spy music and it has vocals that go bada ba. I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE!! Please help me! Thank you.