Recent content by pxlt

  1. pxlt

    Victoria's Secret "Dream Angels"

    That's the one. Thank you!!
  2. pxlt

    Victoria's Secret "Dream Angels"

    This has been airing for at least a week or so... aired once tonight during Lost on ABC. Miranda Kerr is cavorting around in a bra and panties around some nicely manicured hedges. Background is a mellow acoustic track that I know I've heard before but can't place. audio is here...
  3. pxlt

    NFL on CBS

    YES! that is it. Well done. thanks!
  4. pxlt

    NFL on CBS

    Nope, that's not it... there are parts that are similar in tone, but this one's more of a driving, faster rhythm. Thanks for the reply though.
  5. pxlt

    NFL on CBS

    During the Jets v Bills game, after coming back from a commercial break, CBS twice had a quick (15 seconds or so) package of highlights set to rock music. I am looking for the 2nd song used.