Recent content by Pugiron

  1. P

    AT&T Windows Phone "Stage Presence"

    Showing off their new windows-phone, they have a bunch of little animated animals get blown over by a hard blues/rock song coming from the pop-out speakers. What is that song?
  2. P


    There was a song playing during the MovieVision advertising before a move at the Rave thaters in Texas. A female singer, light alt-pop sound.
  3. P

    Verizon Multicolored Razrs

    I saw a commercial at the movie theater before "Children Of Men" that had a hot model and an ugly little guy dancing arround wearing red underware tto advertizew a red flip phone They listed the artist and name of the song but, of course, I forgot them Does anybody know the song I am talking...
  4. P

    Pontiac Torrent "Here Comes Elvis"

    I caught just part of a comemrcial with a car driving through dark glass buildings with a heavy basing song playing. Lines of light were bouncing up and down on the buildings like giant graphic equalizers. the song had lyrics like "I like you best when you're down with the rest of us" Does...