Recent content by nmhmbv

  1. N

    Cesar Dog Food

    It begins with just an acoustic guitar, then it sounds like maybe some violins kick in towards the end. I've looked all over the forums, but I haven't found anything about this commercial.
  2. N

    Sprint "Waitless"

    It's a commercial telling us how much time we spend tying shoes and other little things, and then it tells us how to save time with sprint or something to that effect. The music is a piano tune, and someone starts singing towards the end.
  3. N

    Hilton commercials

    There are two Hilton "A to B" commercials that I haven't seen in any of the other discussions on here. One has a man and woman drawing sitting on the line, the man looks over and pulls on the line, which draws the woman closer to him. I don't remember the words, but it was a very soft acoustic...
  4. N TV Commercial

    It shows several shots of people doing jobs that they aren't dressed for, like a lifeguard in an office and a waiter doing construction. The lyrics in the song talk about it being a long day and needing to change clothes.