Recent content by nakia_73

  1. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Hey guys... Just wanted to see if anyone has actually downloaded the song besides me? Wanted to see what you all think of the full version... -Dorie
  2. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Hey guys... I too have lost hope. I email Mike every week or two and I keep hearing the same answer....dang it!! Anyway, if it EVER becomes available, I will let you all know. Until then... :peace:
  3. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Hey all! Just wanted to give you all an update about the Love Victim song. I checked in with Mike again at Pink Noise to see how the progress of our song is coming. I got the following reply... We spoke to I-tunes yesterday & it is becoming available in less than 3-weeks. I am so sorry it...
  4. N


    I listened and it almost has a "radar love" feel to it. That's the best I can do with it...anyone know the answer?
  5. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    You all will be the second to know (after I find out of course). Dang, after all that we have been through, this better be one Hell of a song!!!! B)
  6. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Hey all you "Love Victim" fans!!! I contacted Mike at Pink Noise yesterday to see if we have made any progress with iTunes. I got the following reply: Dear Dorie, We just heard from I-Tunes & hope to have the song up next week. Thank you so much for your interest in our music. We will...
  7. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Just to clear up the mystery...Pink Noise the group in NY and Pink Noise Inc. are 2 totally different things. Pink Noise Inc. (the holders of our song) is more of an ad agency themselves. On their website it has links to other commercials that they have had a hand in. Funny though they do not...
  8. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Atreyu- First, cool screen name. Never ending story was one of my favorites!!! Anyhow, iTunes was my first suggestion to them. Comcast would deffinately want $$$ for the link...they want $$$ for everything according to my monthly bill!!! But they should know who sings it and the name you...
  9. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    Ok boys and girls.... Pink Noise has said the following: Dear Dorie, Thank you so much for your interest in The "Love Victim". Yes is it us. We do have a fabulous 3 minute version of the song. We are just trying to figure out a way to get it out to the fans in the most economically...
  10. N

    Comcast "Air Drummer" Video Email

    ok....I have cracked the mystery!!!!!!! I contacted the ad agency that did the commercial and let them know what a HUGE buzz it has caused in this forum and it seems the entire US of A as well. Anyhow, I asked for any info they could give me and if it was a "real" song or what. The following...