Recent content by kyle954

  1. kyle954

    LG Chocolate cellphone begging...any1...please...
  2. kyle954

    LG Chocolate cellphone

    thanx bro...ive been looking all over 4 this song...
  3. kyle954

    LG Chocolate cellphone

    please any1...ive been looking for this song for weeks...sleepless nights have gone into this song....its litterally driving me crazy...if any can please help me...i would be thanx ful.....olease...any1 ????????????? :banghead: :!@#$: :cry: here is a link...of the song.....
  4. kyle954


    omg dude....this song is the best...and ive been trying 2 find it 4 monthes...and nothing...just please help me...any1 ?
  5. kyle954

    Cingular Razr/Slvr

    Ok...its a cingular commercial...and there showing off how slim/slender the slvr and the razr is by making a wall of all of the colors of each phone 2 make a picture...with this awesome song in the background....