Recent content by kaffinatedkacy

  1. K


    I can only remember people "la-ing" haha. It's like kids with thought bubbles. Any ideas what song plays?
  2. K

    Veronica Mars

    I'm looking for the song when they were at the dance. Not the first one (No Sleep Tonight), But the second one where everyone is slow dancing. :)
  3. K

    Mastercard "Dogs"

    I think some of the Lyrics are "I've got to be me". They show a few dogs, one in the rain, one just walking, one swinging on a rope. At the end it shows a dog eat the food. I'm not sure if this is a Canada-Only commercial or not. I don't remember the company either D: Sorry! Any help would be...
  4. K

    The song on an Old Toyota Maxtrix commercial

    I saw it in movire theatres. The car splits into about 5 different cars and they drive around. Some lyrics are "Wont stop feeling" and "Just like in my dreams" Any Help=AWESOME! (:
  5. K

    Medium Season 1

    Any help=so awesome.