Recent content by J3Designer

  1. J

    Volvo XC90/ XC70 Commercial

    The version of the song used on the commercial sounds like a re-mix, but the original song is "Atmosphere" by Toby Mac. Hope this helps!
  2. J

    Volvo S40 "Video Game"

    Oh, sorry, just in case any of you didn't click the links above to see where the song came from, it's by "Atlas Plug" and the song is called "2 Days of Die"...good stuff...
  3. J

    Volvo S40 "Video Game"

    Thank You, Thank You!!! I can't believe I missed that post, I searched everywhere in the forums...well, I guess not everywhere! That band's music is really cool, I highly recommend you check it out!! I was happy just to find the one song, but the whole cd is quite cool!... B)
  4. J

    Volvo S40 "Video Game"

    It's definitely not the song that you mentioned in the weblog, it's more of a rock song. The car might be the Volvo S40, but not the wagon model.
  5. J

    Volvo S40 "Video Game"

    I don't think so. This commercial actually looks like a racing "game". It's not a real car driving around in the commercial. It's a pixelated 3D model (looks good though) in a pixelated 3D an actual video game. At the end, an animated 3D driver steps out of the car wearing...
  6. J

    Volvo S40 "Video Game"

    I apologize if this question has already been answered, I've searched the forums and haven't found the answer, so I'm asking...Anyway, I'm looking for the song that was on a car commercial, it's not and old commercial, but it's been on for a while. I'm not positive what kind of car it is (I...
  7. J

    SBC Long Distance Commercial

    I'm trying to find the song that is on the SBC Long Distance commercial which has all the old people at retirement homes, etc. who are tired of getting so many calls from their families. It's definitely an older song, kind of happy feeling. I haven't seen the commercial in a while so I'm...