Recent content by ILackPigment

  1. I

    Joke Thread

    Hahahaha. Loved the 4 parables.
  2. I

    Joke Thread

    ROTFLMAO!!!! That Monica one was awesome.
  3. I

    Things I Love...

    I'm just going along with it. :mellow:
  4. I

    Things I Love...

    I love you too. Thanks, man.
  5. I

    Things I Love...

  6. I

    Joke Thread

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! Those are both excellent. First one's oooh so true.
  7. I

    Things I Love...

    And I love seeing that my last post was the 1000th comment in General Discussion. Awesome.
  8. I

    Things I Love...

    I love how I feel after yoga. I love when I actually manage to stay asleep for more than 8 hours. I love clothes, fresh out of the dryer after a shower. I love fresh smells, like certain flowers, water, and chlorine. Cheesecake. Good poetry. I love looking up words in the dictionary. And neck...
  9. I

    Joke Thread

    Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. Beer is believed to contain female hormones (hops contain phytoeostrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women. A recent experiment seems to confirm this theory. When 100 men were fed 8 pints of beer each within an 1...
  10. I

    help please

    Hahaha... We could change this to "words our parents screwed up for us." I don't much like being told to "relax." My dad always gets tense and agitated, then projects it onto others. So when my mom or sister or myself get a little upset back, we get "Relaaaax." My mom used it a few times...
  11. I

    Joke Thread

    An eye doctor, a heart surgeon and an HMO executive die and are awaiting entrance to heaven. God asks the eye doctor why he should be let into heaven, and the doctor explains that he helped people save or regain their sight. God says, ''Welcome to heaven, my son.'' God then asks the heart...
  12. I

    Joke Thread

    That as well as the single girl joke were awesome. I laughed so hard I damn near busted my stitches. lmfao. And it felt great. Thanks, man.
  13. I

    The Simpsons quotes

    JIMBO (to Nelson after catching him locking lips with lisa) You kissed a girl!! That is SO GAY!!
  14. I

    Hyundai Santa Fe

    It's instrumental, at least as far as the part in the commercial. The slogan pumped was, "How big does an SUV need to be?"... the music was piano with strings I believe. Man, very soothing. What's the song called, or who does it? (Psst. HI HUEY!)