Recent content by Grnltrn000

  1. G

    Smallville Season 5

    I was wondering if anyone had the a list of all the classical music that they play on SmallVille or at least a few of them. Opera and classical ? THANKS ! Karl
  2. G

    Robot Chicken

    Well i guess i will answer my own question since i found it yesterday. In case anyone else was interested you can go to Click on Downloads and than MP3's. Then find the "close song" for Robot Chicken. Thanks Karl ! No Problem Karl
  3. G

    Robot Chicken

    Does ANYONE have a link or know where i can download the song that always plays during the end song on Robot Chicken. I know it is called the Gong and off some movie soundtrack but i want the BUCK BUCK BUCK verison that they use! ANy help would be appreciated! Karl