Recent content by greengrass

  1. G

    New Civic Nation Commercial

    It definitely has a Flaming Lips sort of feel to it but I really doubt that FL actually did the song.
  2. G

    Honda Lxg?

    I've been looking for that song, too. It's a slow, sort of indie/folk/pop type song. In the ad there's no actual lyrics but sort of la.. la.. la.. crooning. It's definitely a male singer. If I can find a link to the commercial, I'll post it up.
  3. G

    hp toys r us ad

    hp has launched an entire ad campaign called "everything is possible", all of these ads are viewable here. the one i am particularly interested in is their toys r us ad. you can view that one here. the song i'm looking for is from this commercial in particular. i did a quick search on the hp...