Recent content by fishertheband

  1. F

    Toyota Avalon paper rabbit

    This commercial is from "Fisher." We had also done the "The Wheel" spot that ran a few months ago. That song, "It's a beautiful life" will be on our upcoming release in April The current Avalon spot song only exists in that 30 second format for now. Since we are just delivering all the elements...
  2. F

    Nike Lance Armstrong "Magnet"

    That was done by Elias. The singer was Kathy Fisher who also has the Toyota "Moving Forward" spot with the song "Beautiful Life". For a moment, Nike was going to release a full length version of the song at their site but unfortunately failed to do so. info on the band if you're interested...
  3. F

    Toyota "Rolling Tire"

    Thank you all as well. Really appreciate the time and effort to post here. Ron FISHER Fisher Website
  4. F

    Toyota "Rolling Tire"

    Hi There, Ron Wasserman from the band Fisher here. We did the spot a few weeks ago. There is also a full length version that will be on our next CD release in early 2005. The tentative title is "Beautiful Day" Fisher BTW - We also had a huge Hyundai commercial a few years back with "Freedom...