Recent content by fiestabowl_2003

  1. F

    Benadryl "You Can't Pause Life"

    This is a link to the video on youtube. The poster says it's not a real song, but I'm not too sure how reliable they are, being as they're only a youtube account and not the bendryl corporation or the band. I also emailed benadryl and i'll write back when they respond.
  2. F

    Balls of Fury

    yep, its definitely "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis
  3. F

    LA Ink

    It is Dancing With Myself, but it's by Nouvelle Vague
  4. F

    Law and Order 5/21

    Does anyone know the name of the song played at the end? I believe it was at the end, but I'm not 100% positive. I do know that they played a good bit of it. Thanks!
  5. F

    Sears book

    The 88's MySpace Blog Okay everyone, listen up... There is obviously two separate Sears commercials with the first one being "What I'm Looking For." However, The 88's song "Coming Home" is featured in a Sears ad that aired on May 13, 2007. Follow the link and you'll see their press release...
  6. F


    It's the theme from The Jeffersons, "movin' on up" but it's sung by someone else. Does anyone happen to know who does this version?
  7. F

    still standing

    "You Make Me Happy" by Will Hoge
  8. F

    How I Met Your Mother Season 2

    Could someone please tell me the song that played as Lillian and Marshall were almost getting married on the boat? It went something like, "I want to sink to the bottom with you." Thank you.
  9. F

    Southwest Airlines

    what's the name of the song sung in the backround of the new southwest airlines commercial? It has people looking into the sky and seeing blue lines in the sky. The song goes..."It's a beautiful day"