Recent content by charlie_85

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    American Dad Season 1

    American Dad "All About Steve" season 1 I was just watching an American Dad episode, where the father goes to a Yankees game with his son and his friends. He sees Derek Jeter, and is told that his son is a geek. Then he runs out of the stadium and into the streets (like that scene from...
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    Babel: Rave music

    thanks! also, on the Babel OST, it lists "September" by Shinichi Osawa.
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    Babel: Rave music

    thanks fnv2001~!
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    Babel: Rave music

    whats that song in the rave scene in Tokyo? the part where the music's really loud, then silent (Chieko perspective), then loud again. i hope i make sense. thanks!
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    Reebok Sidney Crosby

    anyone? i'm still hoping someone can answer this for me...
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    Reebok Sidney Crosby

    cool thanx! let me know if u find out!
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    Reebok Sidney Crosby

    Hi, can anyone identify the song int the background of this commercial? Thanks