Recent content by bkim1514

  1. B


    Blackhat TV spot What is the music at the beginning (with the piano) in the first 7 or 8 seconds?
  2. B


    okay..we know the song in the beginning is from blood diamond, the song at the end is from the island/avatar, but what is the song in the middle that starts around the 1:00 mark?????
  3. B

    The Town

    Anybody know the trailer music?
  4. B

    Winter's Bone

    Anybody know what song is in the Winter's Bone trailer? The song that plays for most of the duration to near the end.
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    The Adjustment Bureau

  6. B

    The Adjustment Bureau

    Just saw the new trailer for The Adjustment Bureau. Anybody know what songs are used. I know the second is fron Sunshine..Kaneda's death by John Murphy, but what's the song at the beginning of the trailer?
  7. B


    there's nothing called "disquiet" on there...
  8. B


    where can i find "disquiet" by amphibious zoo?