Recent content by a_iver

  1. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    Eehgiuewnrhhhrgggr I forgot :P
  2. a_iver

    Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

    Hahaha I found something belonging to our very own Bloodlessr :D
  3. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    Day after New Years, who's with me?? (1/2/13) Should be hopefully enough time for everybody to see this. I miss you tadpoles :P
  4. a_iver

    Hello jca and co!

    Site's looking mighty fine, congrats you guys (sorry if i was ever a douche about site design feedback before—was going through some things lol). Glad to see you guys are still going strong. Can't think of any music in ads I wanted to identify or anything, just wanted to say hi :D
  5. a_iver

    The "I am still alive" thread.

    The general idea of this thread is kind of depressing when you think about it.. who came up with this again?... oh right.. :P
  6. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

  7. a_iver


    ha, that was awesome :-)
  8. a_iver

    The "I am still alive" thread.

    the other one :D
  9. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    goooood. did not many people show up?
  10. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    hi steph! did i miss much?
  11. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    Hi guys, sorry I"m late!!!
  12. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    Hai guys :)
  13. a_iver

    the missing sock mystery

    that was fun
  14. a_iver

    Adtunes Reunion... Anyone?

    I think if there's any way we could all meet at the same day, it would have to be a national holiday, but one where people aren't busy. Like April Fools or something (serious!). Really though, that would be fun.
  15. a_iver

    My brain itches

    yes, we're all very active. how are you?