HBO Sunday Series Promo


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So both this week and last week HBO plays their Sunday night series trailer (right before True Blood begins) and I need to know the song that plays. It's slow and acoustic. I have portions of the lyrics below (just what I could pick out, not necessarily 100% correct or in the right order):

This addiction screams like a sin
This mission of mercy I'll never win
What the harm in trying, trying just a taste

the chorus: cuz you addict me
song from hbo commercial

i think its a new one but it played right before the new true blood today. it shows all the shows and each one fadeds away in smoke song its slow with a acousitc
Re: song from hbo commercial

I've been looking for that song all over the Internet. I can't find one reference to it. It frustrating.
Re: song from hbo commercial

This song is by - The local NYC and it's called Addicted Me. Hope that helps.