District 9

The track you are looking for (the 2nd cue after the Martinez piece), is James Newton Howard from "Blood Diamond." The cue is called 'Solomon Finds Family' and occurs at about 0:27 in.
That second cue is indeed from the Blood Diamond Soundtrack, but it is not the track mentioned. It is in fact "Your Mother Loves You" ;)

Brand new district 9 trailer

I just saw the new district 9 trailer from yahoo on you tube and wanted to know what music is playing from the start to the end of the trailer. Thanks
The song in the trailer @ :45 is

"The Reckoning" - Machine Vandals

the track may sound a lil different people it has some instruments out
I can not find the song. "The Reckoning" - Machine Vandals where are you guys finding it?
Re: Go behind the scenes of District 9 with Peter Jackson.???? wha's this song!!

airika_johnson the song you were looking for that starts @ around 1:51 is

"Chronic Hysteria" - Audiomachine
"Full Throttle Pt. 2" - Static Music

It's also mixed with a bunch other music within the trailer
Please, It's probably somebody tells the name of the track, Anyone kanows the music but from 1:30 to about the end, this song appears in one of the Transformer's 2 Trailer(The First trailer I think).