CD Art Contest


Pro Member
Reaction score
I got this as a bulletin and thought I would post it here for those that are artistic.

Calling all artists! Canon
(the band) is coming out with their first cd in March and it needs artwork supplied by you. Winner is eligible to receive up to $1,000 in licensing fees or perhaps we’ll just buy it from you. Truthfully, I’m not really sure how that part works. That will be discussed between you and our management. Keep me out of it. What I do know is this-

1) You would need to get started now. If you’re not interested, please please tell you friends about it.

Calling all artists! Canon
(the band) is coming out with their first cd in March and it needs artwork supplied by you. Winner is eligible to receive up to $1,000 in licensing fees or perhaps we’ll just buy it from you. Truthfully, I’m not really sure how that part works. That will be discussed between you and our management. Keep me out of it. What I do know is this-

1) You would need to get started now. If you’re not interested, please please tell you friends about it.

2) Go to

to hear and read lyrics to 4 of our songs. Then come up with what you think should be the cover art for the album. It could be a painting, drawing, photograph, photo shop madness or whatever you want. It should represent the music. If you need more lyrics and such, got to

3) All entries are to be emailed to or a copy sent by mail to James Kocsis, c/o Diskeeper Corporation, 7590 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504.

4) Digital artwork should be created at a minimum size of 2000x2000 pixels (6.667 inches @ 300dpi). Submit a 700x700 pixel jpeg for contest entries. DO NOT SUBMIT THE 2000 PIXEL VERSION FOR THE CONTEST! If chosen, the 2000 pixel version will be needed for printing.

5) Deadline to send in artwork is March 19, Sunday at midnight. That gives you over a month.

6) There is no limit to the amount of pieces you may send in. If you already have 10 paintings you believe represents our music, send them in.

7) Entries must include artist’s full name, contact information and if you feel like it you can tell me about yourself.

8) Our favorite entries will be put up on our website to be voted on.

9) Because “it should represent our music” is subjective, the final decision will be made by the band.

10) There could be more than one winner. There is a front, back and inside of the cd and they all may need artwork.


1) Some compensation to be negotiated.

2) We are expecting to sell 10,000 copies of the cd pretty quickly. It will be in stores across the US and on iTunes. Artist(s) will be credited. This is quite a lot of exposure.

3) We’ll put you in our TOP 8 on myspace. We have 45,000+ friends and average about a thousand hits a day. Again, lots of exposure.

4) We’ll get you a free copy of the cd.

Send questions to our webmaster James “Psy” Kocsis at If it’s a question he can not answer then he shall forward it to our manager.
Please forward this on to your friends and any who may be interested.
<center><h3><font color=green>Click picture to view profile!
<center><font face="terminal" size="-2" color="black"></font>

Tell people!

2) Go to

to hear and read lyrics to 4 of our songs. Then come up with what you think should be the cover art for the album. It could be a painting, drawing, photograph, photo shop madness or whatever you want. It should represent the music. If you need more lyrics and such, got to

3) All entries are to be emailed to or a copy sent by mail to James Kocsis, c/o Diskeeper Corporation, 7590 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504.

4) Digital artwork should be created at a minimum size of 2000x2000 pixels (6.667 inches @ 300dpi). Submit a 700x700 pixel jpeg for contest entries. DO NOT SUBMIT THE 2000 PIXEL VERSION FOR THE CONTEST! If chosen, the 2000 pixel version will be needed for printing.

5) Deadline to send in artwork is March 19, Sunday at midnight. That gives you over a month.

6) There is no limit to the amount of pieces you may send in. If you already have 10 paintings you believe represents our music, send them in.

7) Entries must include artist’s full name, contact information and if you feel like it you can tell me about yourself.

8) Our favorite entries will be put up on our website to be voted on.

9) Because “it should represent our music” is subjective, the final decision will be made by the band.

10) There could be more than one winner. There is a front, back and inside of the cd and they all may need artwork.


1) Some compensation to be negotiated.

2) We are expecting to sell 10,000 copies of the cd pretty quickly. It will be in stores across the US and on iTunes. Artist(s) will be credited. This is quite a lot of exposure.

3) We’ll put you in our TOP 8 on myspace. We have 45,000+ friends and average about a thousand hits a day. Again, lots of exposure.

4) We’ll get you a free copy of the cd.

Send questions to our webmaster James “Psy” Kocsis at If it’s a question he can not answer then he shall forward it to our manager.
Please forward this on to your friends and any who may be interested.
It's good of you to give others the chance to excel. :)

edit cause I don't excel at spelling
Thats a good way of looking at it considering I'm soooooooooooooo good!!! ;)
