Boardwalk Empire

Shazam recognized it as excerpts from "Straight Up And Down" by The Brian Jonestown Massacre (iTunes). After listening to a clip, I'm inclined to agree.
New trailer has the same imagery, but it's got new music. That's the music I want.
The music at the end of the Boardwalk Empire trailer is "Devil's Basement" by the band Jonathan Tyler and The Northern Lights.
anybody recognize this music?

hi (:

does anybody recognize the music? from 0:10sec
i'm pretty sure it's from a movie soundtrack
please help ... big TNX (:
Re: anybody recognize this music?

found it.... TNX to those who tried
it's: Exogenesis Symphony Pt 1: Overture by Muse
Boardwalk Empire - Season 2 Teaser

Any idea what song is playing throughout this teaser?

Re: Boardwalk Empire - Season 2 Teaser

That is Opt1m1sm by Twenty Seconds to Midnight.
Boardwalk Empire Season 3: Trailer #3 Music title

Hi if anyone knows what song plays from 0:27 in this trailer here
i would be very pleased to know!
Does anyone know who does the music for any of the promos, recaps, and Inside the Episodes of the entire series? Background music you know with simple acoustics?