California Department of Public Health "Facts Fight Fentanyl | Party's Over"

Carnival Cruise Lines "Five Months to Five Portals"

Carnival Cruises has a new Youtube video called five months five portals with an upbeat song. Can anyone identify the song title & original artist?

Underworld: Awakening

Underworld: The Rise of Lycans

Shark FlexStyle Air Styler

Hey all, I have never posted on here before or done anything like this; I'm looking for a song from an advertisement I saw on Instagram. its a beautiful song; however, I cannot find the artist. I tried Shazaming the song and googling the lyrics, but nothing popped up. I'd really appreciate it if someone could find the artist/a Spotify link or something similar. I might just be stupid and missed it. Thanks so much in advance <33

Shark FlexStyle Air Styler ad

The Farmer’s Dog


A Feb 2025 commercial for The Farmer’s Dog, voice over says 10 years is not enough time with our beloved dogs. Looking for the pretty background music which seems to repeat ‘forever, forever,’ but NOT the same “Forever” song as a previous TFD commercial. This is a light, airy tune with a FEMALE vocalist, and near the end of the longer version there are additional words which I couldn’t make out. Commercial ends with ‘long live dogs’ text over image of 2 dogs running on the beach. Any help locating song, artist, title is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance:)

Etsy "Tap In"

Zales "Valentine, Valen-Mine"

Fantastic Four: First Steps

Jurassic World: Rebirth

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