Sad and tragic original soundtracks


New Member
Reaction score
Hi there...lately i've been really into really beautiful, but really sad and tragic pieces off ost's (and no im not a depresso or anything ^^)...i have a fair collection already, but have been listening to the same pieces over n over again...the last thing i wanna do is war out the beauty of these pieces and was wondering if u guy could maybe...i dunno, give me ur top 5 saddest ost pieces? or ones along the lines of the examples here (NOT in any particular order of enjoyment ^^), the ones with stars are the ones i like most out of all ^^:
1. Coffey on the mile- Green Mile ost***
2. Way of the sword- Last Samurai ost***
3. Tears in the sand- End of the spear ost (VERY RARE but 10/10)
4. Corynorhinus- Batman Begins ost***
5. F.U.B- Lucky # Slevin ost
6. Ghosts- Road to Perdition ost
7. Journey to the line- Thin Red Line ost***
8. Execution-Bannockburn- Braveheart ost
9. Sorrow- Gladiator ost
10. Brian eno- An ending/Ascent- Apollo 13 ost
11. To the stars- Dragonheart ost***
12. Grey Havens- LOTR: Return of the King ost***
13. Prize of one's life- Beautiful Mind ost
14. Remembering Childhood- Hook ost
15. Finale- Sunshine ost (unreleased)
16. This land- Lion King ost
17. Everytime you touch the ice- Mighty Ducks III ost
18. Rose- Titanic
19. The Last- Tae Guk Gi ost (VERY RARE but 10/10)
20. One Day- Pirates-Caribbean: World's End ost
21. Danilov's Confession- Enemy at the Gates ost
22. Adagio for strings- Platoon ost
23. These brave irishman- Gods & Generals ost
24. Amon Hen (second half)- LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings ost
25. Anakin's Betrayel- Star wars III-Revenge of Sith ost ***
26. The Burning Bush- The Prince of Egypt ost
27. Mary goes to Jesus- The passion of the christ ost***
28. Crucifixion- The passion of the christ ost
29. Protected by angels- Babe, pig in the city ost (RARE)
30. Love Theme- Armageddon ost***
31. Launch- Armageddon ost
32. Epitaph to war- Glory ost
33. Murphy's Body- Ghostship ost
34. Calm after the storm- The alamo ost
35. Final departure- We were soldiers ost
36. Only the beginning of the adventure- Narnia: LTWATW ost
37. The Great Eatlon- Lady in the water ost
38. End Credits- Lady in the water ost***
39. Those we don't speak of- The village ost
40. All of them!- King Arthur ost***

...*phew*...thats enough, i should stop, i know thats a fairly....'detailed' example list...but are there any pieces (most related to the ones with stars) among these many ost's that i have missed worth grabbing? PLEASE help me, i dont wanna bore myself of the same music...any ideas?

PS: u know of any pieces that get into that......tranquil, celestial mood? plenty of strings....i cant really explain youtube, search up Way of the sword- Last Samurai ost, and journey to the line-Thin red line ost.....the thing im talking about is in the later half of these two songs.....any ideas?

Thanks a bundle guys, any help would be AWESOME. Thx ^^
- Nathan, uber soundtrack lover.
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

I love Philip Glass for this kind of music. Check out the soundtrack from The Hours. It's amazing. Also, some of my favorite composers of soundtracks are Thomas Newman and Harry Gregson Williams. They do a variety of different types of movie soundtracks, but they have a ton of beautiful music. I also love Klaus Badelt, Hans Zimmerman, John Powell, and James Newton Howard, but they don't do as many "sad" songs as the first two. I would suggest the Peter Pan soundtrack -, American Beauty -, Angels in America -, the Narnia soundtrack -, and The Fountain -

I could go on all day about favorite soundtracks. :)
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

Oh goodie, other people who love instrumental scores as much as ME!

Here's what's in my "fav instrumental" playlist on my iPod...mind you they aren't all necessarily sad and tragic, but some of them are for sure...I didn't duplicate anything either of you already had either or my list would be OHHHH so much longer

The entire soundtrack to The Last of the Mohicans (but esp. The Glade Pt II)
Main Title - The American President - Marc Shaiman
The Guardian Suite - The Guardian - Trevor Rabin
Once upon a time - Princess Bride - Mark Knopfler
Elora Dnan - Willow - James Horner
Ice Dance - Edward Scissorhands - Danny Elfman
Flames - Crash - Mark Isham
The Rescue Operation - Dante's Peak - John Frizzell
The Proposal - Ever After - George Fenton
Hanover Street - Hanover Street - John Barry
The Premiere of the Big Boss - Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - Randy Edelman
Titan Spirit - Remember the Titans - Trevor Rabin
Mrs. Darcy - Pride & Prejudice - Dario Marianelli
John Dunbar Theme - Dances with Wolves - John Barry
Alfred, Tristan, The Colonel, The Legend - Legends of the Fall - James Horner
On Earth as it is in Heaven - The Mission - Ennio Morricone
Gortoz A Ran, J'Attends - Black Hawk Down - Hans Zimmer
Hector's Death - Troy - James Horner
End Theme - Man on Fire - Harry Gregson-Williams
President's Speech - The Day After Tomorrow - Harald Kloser
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

D'oh...I got logged out...

I'd also add:

Theme from Shindler's List - Schindler's List - John Williams and Itzak Perlman
The Last Battle - Saving Private Ryan - John Williams

Other soundtracks that I would include: Blood Diamond (James Newton Howard), The Mists of Avalon (Aeone), Tears of the Sun (Hans Zimmer), Pan's Labyrinth (Javier Navarrette), Signs (James Newton Howard), 300 (Tyler Bates), War of the Worlds (John Williams), Sense and Sensibility (Patrick Doyle), Pearl Harbor (Hans Zimmer), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Michael Kamen), The Abyss (Alan Silvestri), Backdraft (Hans Zimmer), ET (John Williams), Apollo 13 (James Horner), Forrest Gump (Alan Silvestri), Mr. Holland's Opus (Michael Kamen), The Red Violin (Joshua Bell), Atonement (Dario Marianelli), The English Patient (Gabriel Yared), The Other Boleyn Girl (Paul Cantelon), The Notebook (Aaron Zigman), Far and Away (John Williams), Finding Neverland (Jan AP Kaczmarek), First Knight (Jerry Goldsmith), Kingdom of Heaven (Harry Gregson-Williams), The Holiday (Hans Zimmer), Becoming Jane (Adrian Johnston), August Rush (Mark Mancina), Stardust (Ilan Eshkeri), The Horse Whisperer (Thomas Newman), The Green Mile (Thomas Newman), Deep Impact (James Horner), Seven Years in Tibet (John Williams)...etc...etc...

I would also hiiiighly recommend ANYTHING by Lisa Gerrard (and Dead Can Dance). She does a TON of work on soundtracks - she's featured on Gladiator, Blackhawk Down...etc...
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

Great list from both of you, I have many of those already, (Batman Begins, The Village, Lady In the Water, Black Hawk Down... are all favorites), but I am excited to check out a few I hadn't heard yet. Here is my Elite list of only ones that I didn't see on yours. Hopefully you'll like these if you haven't heard them.

"Finale", The Kingdom - Danny Elfman (Absolutely Beautiful)
"Leaving/Haircut", Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - George S. Clinton
"Ears for it/Cross & Feather", Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - George S. Clinton
"The Letter that Never Came", Lemony Snicket's - Thomas Newman
"Opening", Gone Baby Gone - Harry Gregson-Williams (So Sad)
"I Built Myself A Life", Life as a House - Mark Isham
"Fight Day", Cinderella Man - Thomas Newman
"Nemo Egg (Main Title), Finding Nemo - Thomas Newman
"The Life of David Gale", The Life of David Gale" - Jake Parker (Very hard to find)

Hopefully I didn't repeat any you guys listed. All of these are available to listen on iTunes except David Gale. Enjoy.
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

From the short film: Snoopy Come Home - "Just When You Think".
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

"I Built Myself A Life", Life as a House - Mark Isham

I love this movie, and this soundtrack ;)

Another one is "Life is Beautiful" soundtrack by Nicola the movie too :rolleyes:
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

Although I appreciate and give mad props to some of the tracks you guys have selected but how can you have so many artists and not have Clint Eastwood as a choice for your playlists because that is bogus!!!
Re: Sad and Tragic Original Soundtracks

Although I appreciate and give mad props to some of the tracks you guys have selected but how can you have so many artists and not have Clint Eastwood as a choice for your playlists because that is bogus!!!

Although I appreciate your appreciation, your criticism would be more useful if you actually provided us with some EXAMPLES of your Clint Eastwood musical choices! I know I'm always looking for more music!! :P <_<
Ok well then you want some examples so here they are

Clint Eastwood (Mystic River)
1. Mystic River theme
2. The Morgue
3. Jimmy's Anguish
4. The Confrontation

Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven)
1. Claudia's Theme

Clint Eastwood (Changling)
1. End Titles

Clint Eastwood (Flags of our father's)
1. Platoon Swims
2. The Medals
3. End Titles Guitar
4. End Titles

After you listen and appreciate the talent of Clint let me know what you think and if you need more music because I can go all day with more artists

I love when I find others that like scores!

Clint Eastwood also wrote the score to Million Dollar Baby, which is nice...
Similar haunting guitar feel to Broke Back Mountain....also tragic and sad.

A few others that I really like:

The soundtrack for In Bruges by Carter Burwell, particularly Dressing for Death and Medieval Waters.

Cliff Eidelman's soundtrack from A Simple Twist of Fate (esp Michael's theme and Red is the Rose)

Rachel Portman's Emma and Cider House Rules soundtracks (close enough that you can absolutely mention them in the same sentence, although I do like them)

Elmer Bernstein - Far From Heaven - Autumn in Connecticut

John Williams - Patriot Main Theme

James Horner - Glory

Randy Edelman - Gettysburg (Dawn, Men of Honor, Killer Angel), Dragonheart

Jerry Goldsmith - Rudy (main title)

Mark Isham - A River Runs Through it

John Barry - Out of Africa (main title)

Thomas Newman - Shawshank Redemption

Michael Nyman - The Piano

I will stop now, I could go on forever..but I will add that I also am a big Fan of Mahler (Symphony #9 Adagio and Rondo, which are the precursors to the modern score, Korngold was heavily influenced by Mahler) and Eric Satie (gymnopedie # I) which is close in style to Philip Glass.

So much wonderful music, so little time...
Sad and peaceful original soundtracks

hey all, i've been collecting soundtraqcks for many years fav tracks being those that have a sad/meloncholy tone. i've got soundtracks stretching from lord of the rings to white squall...a ton...however i am starting to run out of new soundtracks to find...(every movie i ever watch now, im listening to the score)...anyone able to assist? any soundtracks or songs you think i may have missed? (if its like a mainstream movie...something like gladiator, last samurai, or LOTR......i got probably stuff that comes out of less-known flicks, or b-movies...or just stuff you think is so good you need to share it ^.^) Oh and Some people have actually given me some tracks from anime cartoons which were absolutely 'superb'...some more of those would be AWESOME ^.^
Examples of a few (just to give you a flavor of what i mean):
- the way of the sword 2nd half- last samurai ost
- coffey on the mile- green mile ost
- end titles- lady in the water ost
- now we are free 2nd half- gladiator ost
- coryhinus (something like that)- batman begins ost

Thanks all, looking forward to hearing your ideas and opinions ^.^
Re: Sad/Peaceful Toned OSTs/Tracks ???

Here's some stuff that might meet your criteria. You may even already know some of it considering the size of your collection.

The Straight Story has a sadd-ish, beautiful musical score composed by Angelo Badalamenti.
Laurens Walking:

Requiem In The Air by Dolce Triade from the Last Exile soundtrack (awesome anime series btw)

Ningyo Hime by Tanaka Rie from the Chobits soundtrack.

I'm thinking you may already have this one but just in case...
Secret Place from the Sling Blade soundtrack

Everything else that comes immediately to mind I figure you already know about it, like the Gary Jules cover song in Donnie Darko. Cat People? It's more dark (and dated) than it is melancholy but you may like it. Do you already have Meeting Laura from Perfume?

This isn't on a soundtrack that I know of but it's a stark, beautiful instrumental by The Damned, it's called The Portrait. This is just a sample:
Somebody has the entire song on YouTube but it's an annoying extended version. I still have the album on vinyl.
Re: Sad/Peaceful Toned OSTs/Tracks ???

There is actually quite a long thread discussing this topic HERE - go check it out...:)
Thanks to iamkgb for bringing me over from the Sad/Peaceful Toned OSTs/Tracks thread. I think that person also just wanted peaceful songs in addition to sad/tragic. Here's my tiny handful to throw on the heap.

The Straight Story has a sad-ish, beautiful musical score composed by Angelo Badalamenti.
I particularly love the track Laurens Walking.

Requiem In The Air by Dolce Triade from the Last Exile soundtrack. There are other beautiful melancholy toned instrumentals as well. (awesome anime series btw)

Ningyo Hime by Tanaka Rie from the Chobits soundtrack.

Secret Place from the Sling Blade soundtrack still gives me goosebumps. I wish I could get my hands on the track that is played when Karl visits his father. They left it out of the soundtrack album! Call me crazy but the vocals on that song sound just like Jimmy Somerville.

Meeting Laura from the Perfume soundtrack. The whole soundtrack is superb, ethereal and haunting.
Re: Sad and peaceful original soundtracks

How about the score to 'Monster'. All done by BT. Sounds like it might fit what you're looking for. the author of these posts...i think i've figured out a better way for yall to understand what im looking for...i have here a youtube link to the songs MOST related to the can be anything...TV osts, game osts, anime osts, film osts, ANYTHING. so here we go...and trustt me...'listen to them'...THESE are beautiful pieces.(and no, im not looking for strictly 'oriental influence'...a few of these examples just happen to fit the tune-patterns i adore so much ^.^)

1) Inyuyasha- Track: Soundashi Link: **(from 2:58-end)**
2) Takanashi Yasuharu (have NO idea what this is) - Track: shitsui Link:
3) Mummy Tomb Dragon Emperor Track: Alex & Lin Link: **(2:04-end)**
4) Armaggedon OST- Track: Love Theme Link:
5) Gladiator OST- Track: Now We Are Free Link **(2:25-end)**

They are pretty diverse STILL i know, and im just sooo desperate for even a couple more tunes...but maybe these links will give a better idea of what im talking bout...Thanks to all who have contributed and will contribute ;) -Nate
Dude Seriously

Shawshank Redemption(Stoic Theme)- Shawshank Redemption OST My Fav
Prospectors Arrive- there will be blood
The day the whole world went away- terminator salvation
Requiem- Collateral OST
Vessels or Pruit Igoe or Prophecies- Koyaanasquatsi OST
Lux Aterena or Requiem For A Dream- Requiem For A Dream OST
Dead Reckoning- Smokin Aces OST

There are so many good ones that are just hauntingly good
Together We Will Live Forever - Fountain OST (Clint Mansell)

I just reloaded my operating system so I have yet to re-transfer my music files. So that's it for now. I will update, however.
Movie soundtrack song(s) that have made you cry

Hi. I was wondering what movie soundtrack song(s) have ever made you cry while listening to them?