Runaway Jury


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Unfortunately I do not remember the movie at all. Just the fact that at the end of it during the credits I hear the voice of Norah Jones singing with a rock group. Out of her normanl context and she sounded very good. Can anyone tell me of the movie and the group she was singing with?
I'm afraid I don't know the answer but if you go to the IMDb Search Engine, under the section 'Word Search', type in Norah Jones and select soundtracks, you will get a list of all the movie soundtracks in which she has featured.
Thank you. It worked! Last item listed in the search. It's "Heart of MIne" performed by the Peter Malick Group w/Norah Jones. More of a blues song than a rock song. The movie was Runaway Jury. Song is not on the soundtrack but on The album "New York" the Peter Malick Group. Written by Bob Dylan.