Mitsubishi Outlander


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Been searching for a clip of it, but found out the tv ads only came out 11/6/06(yesterday) so it's pretty new.
On the ad they flash all these words beginning with "Out..." and the music was rockish.
They have a website just for that car as part of the campaign and once it loads a tune is playing, kinda rockish. I'm not sure if it's the same but it sounds cool as well. If any1 recognizes that one on the site I would love to know.

Appreciate any help.

Thanx :)
I'm searching for that song also, I get the impression that alot of Mitsubishi's music is made for the commercials. I'm gonna keep looking though, and I will update if I find out anything.
I think it's by The Fall..sounds like them...don't know the song though
Yup, it's The Fall..."Ol' Gang"
...from the Levitate album...great album..should have known
oops...accourding to the Fall forum it's "blindness" from HEADS ROLL...I checked the youtube video and I guess they're right...sorry
Yip, that's the one.

Thanx a bunch!!!

Although the instrumental playing in my link sounds different, it's still "Blindness", but like a diff. version.

Anyway, thanx again.
Okay, I've gone everywhere else, but no one seems to know the answer to this one. It's a brand new commercial (at least, I'm pretty sure it is) and I want the song. It's sounds classic rock to me, but I don't know who does it. If you know please report.
I know the answer for the 2007 Mits. Outlander, cuz I started a post asking for it :P

It's "Blindness" - The Fall, from Fall Heads Roll

Not sure if it's that one...
Close, but it's actually called "Clasp Hands". Same band; same album, just an fyi.
Actually, Amazon must have labeled the tracks wrong cuz the song is Blindness, and it's supposed to be track 7. I went to hear it and was a bit confused.

If you listen to clips of Blindness from both Fall Heads Roll and The Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004 album (from Barnes & Noble) you'll hear both are the same as that on the ad (although one version is slightly longer and some other minor differences).

Plus, fans of The Fall 'confirmed' it on a fansite forum. I know, nothing official, but if anyone they should know.

The mistake is Amazon's, not yours (if that's where you heard it).
I KNEW that was the Fall! and it is Blindness... if you're interested in the Fall, check out some of their older stuff, like This Nation's Saving Grace or I am Kurious Oranj. I am a fan, but the new stuff sucks... Mark should have retired a long time ago. At least with the new ad campaign he can put some food on the table.
Anyone know the tune that goes with the new Mitsubishi Outlander commercial?

Kind of a crunchy guitar-synth techno beat with overdriven vocals.

I checked their website ('cuz Mitsu is usually good about identifying the music in their ads), but what they have for the Outlander (Summer Day by Bikeride) must be an older campaign.

there was a post for this already.... it's "blindness" by "the fall" from the album "fall heads roll"

Glad you checked Mitsubishi's site, WISH you had searched this one!


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