Honda Civic


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Sae it last Sunday night during BSG.

These are the lyrics:

"Sexy sexy sexy boy..."

and nothing but the lyrics. The tune is also just as catchy.

Logan01? farbeyond?

All those typos. But I guess you guess a 'Hoinda' is really a 'Honda.' Bet the search engine'll love that.

Let me try and describe the commercial. A man and a woman driving a Honda Civic (duh). He is acting all sexy, thus the lyrics to the indie/progressive/techno song go "Sexy sexy sexy boy." He makes a move on the woman and she points to the backseat where their child is still wide awake. ;)

It is one of those 'Reverse your thinking' Honda ads.

My efforts at questing for it so far are unfruitful. I may have to turn in my Search Engine Ranger badge. :rolleyes:

Any ideas?

I'm gonna take a very wild guess ...

Tried doing some Googling with the lyrics you provided ...

I came up with ...

Boa - "Quincy"

I have no idea what this sounds like, though ...

If it's not it (which is more than likely the case), here's another bad attempt at a guess on my part ...

Possibly something by ...

CSS [Cansei de Ser Sexy] ???

I dunno ...
Right or wrong ...
There you go.


Boa appears to be a Korean group, so I am uncertain they are who I seek.

CSS.. too many songs to sort through.

:unsure: Gonna be one of those Adtunes unsolved mysteries I fear. <_<
I may know the song. Do you have a link for the commmercial so I can see which song it is?
I can't locate a vid url anywhere. :huh:

and I haven't seen the commercial since...

but I can tell you the song is not "Sexy Boy" by Air.

Any guesses? :blink:

Originally posted by Usedtobecool@Apr 9 2007, 06:24 AM
If it's the song I'm thinking of, it's by Air, from their Moon Safari CD. It's called, of all things, "sexy boy."

That's not it.
