End of Days


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Hi. There's a short choral sample that has been used in a number of films, TV shows, commercials, and so on. It's been asked about many times in the past. The sample is just a young boy singing a few "ooh" notes. The sample is used throughout the End of Days movie score. It's used in the track, "Mansion of Madness," from the TimeSplitters game. I believe others have mentioned the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" game, Chaos Bleeds, as including it in its score. A recent example was the "Cherry Fight" digital short from Gabourey Sidibe's episode of "Saturday Night Live."

The origin of the sample was once found, maybe in the early or mid-2000s. It's part of the immediate/promotional/whatever music where a composer can buy the CD and then use any of the samples for free in his/her own piece of music. That's why we've heard it so often in media. I know there was a link to the CD--which regular members of the public could not buy--and it may have been a four-disc set of choral, orchestral, sound effects, and other samples. I could have sworn that the answer and link were posted here, but I've been trying different search terms today and cannot come up with the post.

Can anyone help, please? Thank you.

By the way, here's a refresher of the sample. It's in the first few seconds of this track:
Thank you, but that's not what I wanted.

As far as the actual Immediate Music clip I don't know as I cannot find the sound effect cd's but rather just the full songs.
As mentioned in my post, this is what I'm looking for, yes. I just wish I could remember exactly where it was answered. If not here, then it might've been on IMDb or something (where it was, sadly, probably deleted years ago).

Also, I don't know why my thread title was changed by someone else. Doesn't seem very nice. :-(
Also, I don't know why my thread title was changed by someone else. Doesn't seem very nice. :-(
Your thread title was changed to the appropriate soundtrack title for the Movie Soundtracks section where you originally posted your thread. This is all done to help give clear topic titles when the thread is picked up by search engines such as Google, which will hopefully give your request more exposure. ;)
Your thread title was changed to the appropriate soundtrack title for the Movie Soundtracks section where you originally posted your thread. This is all done to help give clear topic titles when the thread is picked up by search engines such as Google, which will hopefully give your request more exposure. ;)
I don't know how my title could have been seen as "unclear," but okay. :P As mentioned, the sample appears in more than one piece of media. I just didn't want to have to make four or five different threads on the same subject throughout the site (put it in Movies 'cause it's probably more known for movies and this section seems a lot busier than Video Games). I post a lot on IMDb, and proper etiquette has always been to put as many details as possible in thread titles. Will Google only pick up the title? If so, changing a title to one little thing will actually screw me out of some viewers--on Adtunes, too--but if that's the new rule then I can't do anything about it. :(
Will Google only pick up the title? If so, changing a title to one little thing will actually screw me out of some viewers--on Adtunes, too--but if that's the new rule then I can't do anything about it. :(
Google has already picked up your entire thread, including mentions of TimeSplitters and the details of your search.

Trust me when I tell you any changes we make are an honest attempt to help your search, not hurt it. ;)