The Libertine


Anyone know what the name of this song is? It sounds a little bit like Carl Orff's "O Fortuna", but that's not it. It's very dramatic, vocal chanting music. It's been in about 3000 movie previews but the only other one I can remember it being in is the re-make of Carrie.

The music from The Libertine trailer is from a short TV clip that has some critics reviews being read while scenes play. It's been shown about 4500 times on FX

If ANYONE can please read this and tell me what they are, I'd really appreciate it.
I think this is the one your looking for. Rising Empire (Choir) - Immediate Music.
If its not. Check out They have tons of movies and list the music in the trailers.
It's not Rising Empire, that's the second song in the trailer. The first song is the one I'm having trouble locating. has absolutely NOTHING on the Libertine, so they were fairly useless as well. I give up, I guess these songs are going to be forever a mystery. Thanks to the people who replied though. :)

I love the music used in this trailer, all of it. Original score, or...? Thanks in advance!