TNT The Closer

TNT's The Closer trailer music

about a year, maybe 2, ago, there was a song to I believe it was The Closer, the series on TV. The words are something like this - i wanna fly, up to the sky, turn the world around to find you, there's nothing, nothing ..... something. i've heard it during the trailer and then just again in some restaurant. i really like the song but i can't think of any more lyrics.

can anyone help? thanks
Re: TNT's The Closer trailer music

Slow or fast?

Female or male vocals?
Does anyone know the female artist who sings a cover of The Temptations' "Get Ready" for the upcoming season (2011) of TNT's The Closer?

Any help would be appreciated!
"The Closer" newest 2012 commercial... classical song title??

Beautiful, slow, classical piano song! There is no actual talking in this commercial...
Re: "The Closer" newest 2012 commercial... classical song title??

Beautiful, slow, classical piano song! There is no actual talking in this commercial...

The music is "Claire de Lune " by CLaude Debussy